While the recent new release of
Cube2: Sauerbraten didn't bring any really big changes, the network of friendly forks keeps expanding. But before I go into more details, here is a new feature trailer of Cube2: Sauerbraten:
The maybe most prominent and fully FOSS fork
RedEclipse is still working on the promised new 1.4 release, with them doing some
silly and some
cool enhancement projects in the meantime... so yeah:
Red Eclipse in Valve Time tm |
Octaforge still has a few day to go in order to avoid missing their estimated release "this month", but when browsing
OpenGameArt.org, I came across an interesting fork of the
Sandbox Game Maker fork, called
Lamiae with the RPG game
Kelgar Gameplay 0.8 - Indie DBAccording to their github page, content seems to be libre (CC-by or CC-by-SA) but information is a bit scarce. Even less information is available for this other fork, called
SabiCube, but you can download and test their alpha.
Oh and a bit older, but also interesting: the
emscripten powered
HTML5 port of Cube2, called
Banana Bread, has also really picked up since the main emscripten developer was hired by the Mozilla foundation.
Here you can see it running a multi-player game (very recent new feature), and with the upcoming (also Mozilla powered)
asm.js Javascript speed-up, it will probably run at
near native speeds in the not too far future.
Ok... I hope that is all... if you know of other interesting Cube2 powered projects, please comment below!